Humorous Wedding Speech: Are You Having A Wonderful Day?

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Hope your having a wonderful day. Not really sure where to begin, but first thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for always being there for me and talking to me when I needed someone talk to, more importantly thanks for being my best friend Laiza you helped me feel like not alone. I know I tell you this all the time but as you already know and no matter what people say you are one smart beautiful girl with a lot of potential. Really hope you stay in school and achieve your goals and get your dream job, I know school sucks and you feel like giving up sometimes but please don't it's going to pay off so big for you I already see it in my head your going to be so successful Laiza keep going. You have a great personality and the cutest smile with adorable cheeks that I love hahaha. …show more content…

I feel like were drifting apart lately which is probably because of me. I'm sorry about that I don't mean to get jealous or mad I try to control my emotions I just have a lot of heart for you Laiza there's nothing I wouldn't do for you don't ever for get that im always going to be here for you, even if we get in a big fight and don't talk for 2 years ill still be there for you that's how much I care about you. Cant beleave next month im going to purse a career in the military. No matter what happens I hope you'll always be by my side or at least friend, im going to miss you a lot I know its only for a couple of months it would mean the world to me if you could make it to my graduation to see that smile id probably lose it.Even if you can't make it I hope I can see you one last time before I get stationed somewhere. just know your always welcome that would be so dope to travel the world with you Laiza bear you have no idea. But I really do hope you visit me

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