Humanism Research Paper

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Education during the Renaissance was greatly influenced by Humanism. Humanism was a 14th to 16th century European movement that was characterized by the study of ancient texts and classical culture. A humanistic education used ancient writings such as the works by Cicero and Caesar to teach students to read and write like the ancients. They taught grammar, history, rhetoric, poetry, and moral philosophy (“Education in Europe – From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment”). Most of the education was taught in Latin. However, the Latin differed from the language that was heard elsewhere. Students learned to write in the ornate and complex style of Cicero. (“Education in Europe- From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment”). Cicero’s Latin could be found in his Epistolae ad familiars (Letters to Friends) and in his speeches. Cicero’s works were a major component of humanistic education and were widely used. Italian humanist Francesco Petrarca, often referred to as the Father of Humanism, was a highly respected Italian scholar and poet. His sonnets were admired throughout Europe and became a model for lyrical poetry. Petrarca advocated that by studying ancient history and literature students would gain moral and practical values (“Education and Humanism”). …show more content…

Italian and northern European humanists argued the importance of a humanistic education through pedagogical treaties (“Education in Europe -From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment”). They argued that reading ancient literature and history would teach students wisdom and eloquence. They stated that a humanistic education would inspire students to lead honorable lives. They strongly believed that a humanistic education would instill moral values in the youth and teach them the importance of being loyal to their country, family, and

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