Human Service Delivery: A Case Study

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In Human Service practices there are 3 models of service delivery used by professionals. These include the medical model, public health model, and the human service model. Each of these models differs in several ways, although the use of all three interactively, can many times provide the most effective outcomes for clients. Human Service professionals should have knowledge of all 3 models in order to effectively serve each unique individual and his or her specific needs.
Medical Model The medical model of service delivery is based on the idea that individuals coming for help are ill and in of need treatment. This is seen most in mental health patients, although can be used as a way to treat other issues within society. For example, those …show more content…

This may be seen in services such as helping underdeveloped countries obtain clean water supply, teaching about hygiene and cleanliness, or dealing with cleanup after a natural disaster. The public health model bridges between the medical and human service model, although is more closely related to the medical model due to its encouragement to utilize health care in order to maintain good health ( Woodside & McClam, 2014). The public health model differs from traditional health practices, as its focus is on the health of the public instead of one patient. It uses a “3 prong approach to prevention and intervention” “known as the agent, host, and the environment.” This is because threats to public health require a susceptible host, an infectious agent, and a supportive environment that allows the spread of infection. By doing this, professionals are able to develop preventions against issues of public health. This would include teaching children to say no to drugs at a young age in order to prevent addiction in the future, as they are susceptible hosts to becoming addicts. Also making drugs illegal to keep the agent from being accessible to people who could become addicts. The approach is useful in all areas of public health, and has been proven to intervene in the likeliness that something will become …show more content…

Treatment under this model is one of problem solving and utilizing an individual’s strengths to overcome his or her issues. The goal is to foster empowerment and self-sufficiency in order for the client to return to his or her environment (Woodside & McClam, 2014). The process of problem solving includes identifying the client’s problem or problems, identifying the client’s strengths, identifying the context in what he or she lives, and identifying any cultural aspects that influence his or her life. Because it is important to identify these things correctly, the human service professional should develop a strong client/helper relationship with the individual to truly understand his or her needs. Once this is discovered, the professional can determine the best method of treatment for the issue whether it stems from emotions, beliefs, or behaviors (Woodside & McClam,

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