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Argumentative essay about global climate change
Argumentative essay about global climate change
Argumentative essay about global climate change
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Arguments Against Climate Change
These are some of the arguments used to prevent effective action on climate change.
Climate change is not occurring
This was the original argument used by the carbon industry to discredit climate change and global warming.
Today the vast majority of world experts on climatic issues agree that it is changing, and that the evidence is there for everyone to witness.
Climate change is good for us
A more recent argument used by the carbon industry to confuse the issue of climate change and global warming with the intention of stopping effective action on climate change. Their approach falls into two categories:
1. CO2 fertilisation
This concept relates to the fact that CO2 is sometimes a limiting growth factor for plants. The theory goes that with increases in atmospheric CO2 our agriculture will become much more productive.
However, the storms, floods, fire and drought that are already playing havoc with agriculture are likely to have a significant negative impact, along with the longer term flooding of coastal areas.
2. Some parts of the world will be better to live in
In theory some parts of the world might benefit, from a human point of view, due to global warming. However, at current rates of warming, local ecosystems will collapse and any objective measure of global benefits versus suffering would show much more suffering than benefits gained.
Climate change is natural, therefore we should do nothing
Climate change is natural and natural climate change is occurring constantly. However, natural climate change has been overtaken by human induced climate change which is causing the majority of climate change we are seeing today.
Even if the climate change we are seeing today was totally natural, the disastrous impact is already being felt.
It's unclear how much of today's climate change is caused by humans, therefore we don't really know if we should do anything
Similar to the above argument and equally nonsensical. We can see and feel the impacts of our changing climate and we should do something about it regardless of the cause.
The climate has been much hotter/colder in the past
This argument suggests that because the climate has been more extreme in the past we shouldn't worry about it changing. It conveniently ignores the fact that if we reached either past climate extreme, much of our society and ecology would not survive.
Climate change has been faster in the past
Well it hasn't for the last 800,000 years. Ice core data shows that the fastest rate of CO2 increase over the last 800,000 years was 30 ppm in 1000 years.
In addition to lowering greenhouse gas levels and using cleaner energy sources, there are things we can do as people to stop climate change. We could reduce our use of electricity at our homes by turning off the lights when we leave the room, turning down/up the heating/ac when it is unnecessary, and using less water. Also, we could install solar panels in our homes and donate money to environmental protection agencies. Hopefully, the people of our world will soon realize climate change is a pressing issue that must be solved as soon as
My teacher suggested that I apply this same logic to global warming. It is a matter of playing the odds.
In the movie there have been several arguments which project that human induced climate change is actually happening. Some of them are listed below:
Rather than worry too much about emissions, we should accept the world is going to get warmer anyway and adapt to global warming by building better flood defenses and developing drought resistant crops.
By observing the climate system it has become very strong and clear that changes in the climate are taking place, and our climate system is getting warmer as time goes by. Changes in the climate from the last 60 years have never been experienced by the population.
One of the most compelling and difficult environmental problems society is facing today is climate change. People do not realize how much the environment has changed for the worse in the last ten years, until they are told that the last two decades of the 20th century have been the hottest in the last 400 years, according to climate studies (Conserve Energy Future). Today the carbon dioxide levels have reached 396.81 parts per million (ppm). “Carbon dioxide (CO2) has also increased over the last 100 years-- from about 300 ppm to 370 ppm. Interestingly, the majority of these additions have occurred in the last 50 years, when temperature increases have been slowest” (geocraft). There are no known solutions yet to reverse these effects in the environment, however there are many things people can do to prevent it from increasing. By implementing a carbon tax the government can tax corporations on how much carbon they emit into the atmosphere. With the extra money from the tax, scientist can invest in alternative ways to reduce how much carbon is emitted. Reducing climate change is going to take years and so nothing is going to get fixed anytime soon, but meanwhile we can use that extra money to begin cleaning up the atmosphere. There are many ways to explain climate change, some say its due to the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, others say it is the burning of the fossils fuels, some even say it’s the greenhouse gases. All of these sayings mean the exact same thing, no matter how one says it. I believe there are more convenient ways to solve climate change; and if the government would to implement a carbon tax on companies they will then be forced to re-evaluate all the carbon they emit to the environment and red...
For these reasons, global warming stands as one of the most daunting policy issues facing our world today. This is compounded by the debate over the very existence of climate change. While countless sources of empirical evidence testify to the very real presence of climate change the world over, considerable denial of the phenomenon still exists. The argument has been made that evidence about climate change is a gross overstatement, or in some cases, a complete fabrication. Despite the evidence to the contrary, many interest groups with considerable political clout have successfully perpetuated the argument that documented changes in the environment are a product of natural cyclical changes in climate, and are not associated with human activities. However, even the acceptance of this particular brand of reality is no grounds for the disregard of environmental consciousness. Even if one accepts the premise that recent climate change is not resultant of human activity, the rationale behind environmental conservation remains ...
Our world is always changing, so is our climate. Some changes are apparent, others not so much. Climate change is an important issue of concern in the twenty-first century. Environment, if it changes at all, evolves so slowly that the difference cannot be seen in a human lifetime (Wearth, 2014). Mostly all scientists predicted that it would take thousands of years for the planet to warm up due to emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels called greenhouse gases. But in the past 200 years, things began to change. The rate and the amount of warming that is happening on this planet are unprecedented. Wearth says, “People did not grasp the prodigious fact that both population and industrialization were exploding in a pattern of exponential
While Jamieson addresses many reasons why we are stuck with climate change his strongest argument is found in the fact that we as humans are not evolutionarily designed to process issues that occur on such a long time scale. Due to climate changes “gradual and uncertain rather than immediate and obvious” process we as humans cannot understand it (Jamieson, 102). In addition, climate changes effects have no geographical bounds and because very few people pay attention to events that occur beyond national boundaries most people are oblivious to its existence. Jamieson makes the point that climate change must be thought rather than sensed and we as humans are not very good at thinking (Jamieson, 103). On top of that even if we succeed in thinking that something is a threat, we are less reactive than if we sense that it is a threat. Since we cannot even comprehend climate changes presence in our world right now it also makes it extremely difficult for us to comprehend how our anthropogenic actions of today will affect future generations all over the world. Therefore, because climate change does not present itself visually to us, we as humans are not only unable to recognize the problem but would be unable to solve the problem as well. Resulting in the fact that we as humans are stuck with climate
The problem is that, once global warming is something that most people can feel in
The Environmentalists claim the science is settled, and that any actions taken to prove otherwise will be unfruitful. They do this to turn public attention away from the fact that much of their data is purposely taken out of context, manipulated, or made up in order to prove that Manmade Global Warming exists. In fact, there is more evidence showing that the rise in temperatures may be due to solar activity or part of the Earth’s natural climate fluctuations, than to support that it is caused by greenhouse gases generated by humans.
Many people dedicate their lives to spread the message about climate change being real. Even though some change in the climate is natural, many events that have happened cannot be explained away by nature. Climate change is causing damage to the world that is completely irreversible. Nasa says, “Most scientists say it 's very likely that most of the warming since the mid-1900s is due to the burning of coal, oil and gas. Burning these fuels is how we produce most of the energy that we use every day” (nasa). The energy that we use daily makes our life easier, but it hurts the earth. Why does the government still allow us to use these things? Science has shown us that sea levels are rising in many parts of the world. Warm weather is causing glaciers to melt which results in the sea level rising. Earth 's average temperature has been rising for the last century in a half; and there has also been a steady rise in ocean temperature since 1969. It is said that climate control is man made and it is dangerous. On the other side of the argument, many people do not believe that climate change is real. They argue that their has not been a big temperature change in almost two decades. They also bring up the point of there not being enough data in the climate history to draw the conclusion of what is happening in the climate now is abnormal. Scientist started to record climate change around the 1800’s which many people believe is not enough data to do a comparison. Another reason some believe that climate change is not real is because of some instances where a scientist predicts a date of a significant climate change never happens. Rinkesh writes, “ For example:- Al Gore predicted that all Arctic ice would be gone by 2013. But, on contrary Arctic ice is up by 50% since 2012” (conserve-energy-future). Many people find that these reasons are why climate change is not
These two case studies along with the other information above provide examples of the vast impacts that climate change is currently having and further changes that are predicted to have on both the environment and human development in the future. Some of these impacts are positive however overall negative impacts are expected to occur. This will create many consequences and issues for future generations, some challenges which may be overcome, and some which may not.
This is based upon the sunlight and volcano eruptions which plays an extreme factor. "Most often, global climate has changed because of variations from sunlight. Tiny wobbles in Earth’s orbit altered when and where sunlight falls on Earth’s surface. Variations in the Sun itself have alternately increased and decreased the amount of solar energy reaching Earth. Volcanic eruptions have generated particles that reflect sunlight, brightening the planet and cooling the climate. Volcanic activity has also, in the deep past, increased greenhouse gases over millions of years, contributing to episodes of global warming." (Global Warming, web.) However, I firmly believe that climate change is not only the result of natural causes alone. I think it is man-made and the major factors are from CO2, factories, and power plants burning coal/ oil, natural gas.
The change in climate has been a topic of controversy across the world throughout the past years. Scientists have done research on how climate changes has changed throughout the years around the world. In the past few years, research shows that climate has changed dramatically in the world. Although climate change is something that occurs normally in nature, there has been substantial evidence that mankind is a contributor to the dramatic increase. Most countries around the world have got together to discuss how to reduce mankind’s contribution to climate change, but there is other countries that still do not consider this as a problem. Research conducted by scientists have supported the idea that climate