Human Impacts On Mars

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Throughout the extensive history of the earth, the human race has been striving to achieve great accomplishments and leave a beneficial impact on the world. In order to do this, the human race has made technological advancements and broadened their knowledge about the universe, which is precisely what colonizing and settling humans on Mars will accomplish. Even though the journey to Mars will be unsafe and unaffordable, it is advantageous because Mars is the most scientifically similar planet to Earth, it will provide a difficult challenge that will expand the human race’s knowledge, and it will ensure the survival of the human race. Overall, colonizing Mars will be a significant accomplishment in the earth’s history and will mark a period …show more content…

As many people are already aware, the earth is beginning to become overcrowded with an immense population, which will soon strip the earth of its resources. According to Vivien Cumming, who is a professional author for, the United Nations predicted that Earth’s population “could reach 9.7 million people by the 2050s, and over 11 billion by 2100.” This is an extremely detrimental problem because the “planet is not expanding. There is only so much space on Earth, not to mention only so many resources - food, water, and energy - that can support a human population” (Cumming, Vivien). Furthermore, David Satterthwaite, a senior fellow at the International Institute for Environment and Development in London, reports that there is not enough resources “for everyone’s greed” ( “Earth - How many people can our planet really support?”). The human population increasing at an exponential speed is a very evident reason that humans should attempt to colonize another planet, for another planet will soon be necessary in order to sustain such a vast population. In addition to the overcrowding on Earth, there is also the fact that another catastrophic extinction could occur on the earth. As the article “Why Colonize Mars?” declares, “every few million years, the earth tends to be wiped clear of almost all life in a globally …show more content…

Clearly, human settlement on Mars is not only a very intelligent idea, but also a vital step in preserving the human race, for it “offers a backup for humanity” (“Why Colonize Mars?”). Overall, the earth is becoming overcrowded and may have an insufficiency of resources in the near future. Also, occupying two planets will increase humanity’s chances of survival, which is a valid reason to spread across the solar system. In conclusion, human settlement on Mars is a vital step in mankind’s future, for Mars is the planet most similar to Earth, the challenge of colonizing another planet will bring about advancements and will expand mankind’s knowledge, and it can ensure the preservation of the human race. Just as the moon landing was a significant event and benefited humanity indefinitely, the colonization of Mars will also, for it will leave a beneficial impact on the world and will accomplish an almost insurmountable feat. In the end, human settlement on Mars will be the next greatest challenge humanity conquers, and everyone should support it and advocate for it even if it may be expensive. Money should be no obstacle in the face of the next giant leap for

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