Huck Finn Book Banning Project. Why It Should Be Banned From Public School Curriculum.

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'Huck Finn' a masterpiece -- or an insult

"Huckleberry Finn," first published in 1885, chronicles the journey of a rough-hewn, 13-year-old white boy and a runaway slave down the Mississippi River on a raft through the antebellum South. What's wrong with the book, Clark, Phair and numerous other critics have said, is its use of the notorious "n" word -- not once, not a few times, but more than 200 times.

"It's not just a word," said Clark, the guardian for her granddaughter. Both are African American.

"It carries with it the blood of our ancestors. They were called this word while they were lynched; they were called this word while they were hung from the big magnolia tree.

"That word, in the history of America, has always been a degrading word toward African Americans. When they were brought to America, they were never thought of as human beings in the first place, and this word was something to call a thing that wasn't human.

"So that's what they bring into the classroom to talk about. I just think it's utterly unconscionable that a school would think it's acceptable."

Clark, who was president of the Parent-Teacher-Student Association at Renton High last year, took up the battle against "Huckleberry Finn" after Phair reported in April that her 11th-grade language arts teacher had assigned the book.

"I was humiliated and horrified that this book was being taught, when it has the word 'nigger' 215 times," Phair said.

Before the language-arts students turned to Chapter 1 of "Huckleberry Finn," their teacher, Hilari Anderson, led the class in two weeks of discussion about the controversy surrounding the book and its terminology. The class viewed videotapes addressing the issue, researched the definition of the n-word and hashed out ground rules for its inclusion in the classroom.

Clark sat in on one of those classes.

"I just couldn't believe what I was hearing," she said. "That in the year 2003, the teacher was saying, 'Today, we're going to discuss the use of the word 'nigger.' "

"Huckleberry Finn" is listed among the books approved by the Renton School District for assignment in the 11th-grade language arts class, and Anderson has opted to teach it in each of her six years at Renton High. She speaks of her "passion" for Twain's novel.

"In terms of contemporary issues, I think it opens the door to a conversation that we just don't have, in terms of who are we and where do we come from and what does our language mean and why kids in the hallway use the word so frequently," she said.

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