How to convince your child to eat more healthy foods

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Eating right will give your child the energy he needs to be able to learn and grow. And to help him stay healthy, maintain a healthy weight , and establish his good eating habits for life . Here are some ways to make a more attractive option nutritious food :

Ask your child

Great way to get your child to be happy with eating too let him be involved in decisions of family dining . Is perhaps too young to help develop menus , of course, but most likely he will love the trip to the supermarket .

Once the child is old enough to manage on his own , ask them to hold the shopping list you as you shop. Give him some options way : peach or mango ? Peas or carrots ? Snack crackers or fig ?

Make a habit of choosing a new fruit or vegetable to try each week , keeping in mind that it may take several attempts before your child actually want to eat a new vegetable . Some doctors recommend that parents offer children new foods at least ten times before moving on to other health options .

Make meals and snacks fun

Enlist the help of a child seeing them have pizza ingredients or grated cheese casserole . Arrange carrot sticks , cherry tomatoes and peppers in the form of a face on the plate. Make pancakes shaped your initials and a heart-shaped cut toast . Offer him yogurt dip crackers or fruit slices , and equip it to a tablecloth and utensils with cartoon characters he likes .

Go to the source

Take your child for a walk in the garden, community garden or orchard nearby , so you can see where there food comes on their plate . At this age you can not make the connection, but the experience may inspire you to try something you would not otherwise interested

Be picky with juices

Fruit juices may play the daily intake of fruits of your child...

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...des your child with a lot of protein, magnesium , zinc , fiber and calcium.

Only a banana, half an apple , half cup strawberries meet the average consumption of the fruit of children per day.

Be a good role model

When considering all the ways to provide nutrition for your child , remember to practice what you preach . If your child sees you eat too much junk food or skipping meals, you can not expect him to eat properly . Make an effort to eat whole grains, fruits and vegetables , and you and your child will be better .

Be optimistic

Forget the food fights . Let your child decide how much to eat. Not use sweets as a bribe or Heaven forbid punishment .

Try to make time to have quality family time Congestive eat together at the table , not in front of the TV a pleasant experience as possible, so that your child can create a good , healthy relationship with food .

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