Opening Sequence Of Halloween Essay

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How the Opening Sequence of Halloween Captures the Attention of the Audience ' 'Halloween' was made in 1978 and is a good example of the 'Slasher' movies from that time and this is an interesting piece of cinema as it can be related to the German expressionism of the late 1920's which used jerky camera shots and high contrast lighting to enthrall the viewer .In this essay I will discuss how the opening to Halloween captures the audiences attention and how codes and conventions create suspense and tension for the audience. …show more content…

Whilst this is happening the Halloween theme music is playing in the background, this music is very high pitched and uses string instruments to create horror and suspense for the viewers. Once the credits have been shown there is a 'vls' (very long shot) of the house this is used to set the scene, this is a subjective point of view from the killer .This can be related to the German expressionism where they would use bumpy camera movement to seize the audiences concentration .They use a handheld camera to do this scene as it emphasises the killers movements to the audience. As the Killer begins to make his way around the house be looks up to see the light go off. When this happens there is a sharp shrill sound which enforces the killer's actions. When Michael gets the knife, his murder weapon, the audience begin to realize his intentions once again. Once Michael has collected his murder weapon he makes his way into the house and as he starts to move tothe stairs there is a high pitched piano note that make the audience fearful of what Michael is going to do. When the girls boyfriend …show more content…

Once the boy has reached the top of the stairs he turns into another room and collects the mask to change his identity when doing the murder. Ironically, earlier on this same mask is used by the boyfriend to amuse his girl friend with. Like in the rest of Halloween there is low key lighting like shadows and darkness to build suspense for the audience. Whilst this is going on in the back ground you can hear Michael's sister humming quietly which symbolizes her innocence and purity of heart .Michael then turns and heads for his sisters room, when he reaches there the camera is at a high angle to show Michael's power and control over his sisters life. The murder then starts to take place and you see how Michael brutishly slaughters his own sister which will make the audience feel instantly shocked and surprised at what they are seeing .At the time that the film was made women were thought to be weak and innocent, so having agirl as the victim was used to show the societies perception of women at that time. Michael then walks out side and the camera changes from a

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