How To Write A Self Driving Car Essay

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The reason why I chose self driving cars is because I want to learn more about self driving cars.The first self driving car was invented by William Bertelson in August, 1961. There are a few kinds of self driving cars around today. There are two self driving cars that are most talked about which are the Tesla and the Google car. Most self driving cars have no pedals. Self driving cars use cameras, radar, and ultrasonics to safely navigate the car to the destination that it is going to. The sensors notice pretty much everything from all road signs, light poles, the lane lines, and the objects in their path. The sensors in the self driving cars are always on the lookout. The cameras can notice most everything from all directions. Self driving cars can reduce the number of accidents. They hopefully can reduce emergency’s along with reducing auto insurance. …show more content…

Some self driving cars have no steering wheels. Most of the self driving cars run on electric not motor, some self driving cars have motors and dont run on batteries. The self driving cars have a range of 100 miles. The self driving car lets you sink your phone to it and tell it were to go.
The self driving cars can only go 25 mph max. The Google self driving car is made in Detroit. Self driving cars are more scary to most people because there not driving and they might not know that the car doesn’t know where to go. Some people can make their car drive by itself by using their phone and some people even make their own version of a self driving car. Most cars today have parking assistants but the self driving vehicles are able to do it without a human driving.
Most of the self driving cars have a big screen in the front and you can type the location that your going to and you can tell it were to go and it listens to you. Most self driving cars can cost up to $100,000 dollars or more because the car is so

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