How To Write A Personal Narrative Essay

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"Nervous and excited were the competing emotions I was feeling that day. We had been practicing for months; okay not really but it felt like months it was probably weeks. This was going to be my first gig. I thought of it as my big break to my music career; this was going to be it! I was straight out of high school just walked the stage in May but I was completing my second semester in college at Palo Alto. I was driving; my moms red Mercury minivan. It was the Summer of 2001 and I was up for anything. I was in summer school taking some psychology and sociology classes. I had some extra time and I hadn't played in a band in a while but I still played my silver Fender Jazz bass guitar any chance I got. I though I would hit up AOL Instant Messenger …show more content…

So I replied, "I like punk, ska, some metal, and alternative." The conversation went on a little more, typical questions how long have you been playing, have you been in a band before, have you played any venues, etc. So this person ended up giving me an address and said can you practice tonight. Then I was thinking well I could but how am I going to tell my parents where I am going and that I just met this mysterious person online that I am going to try out for their band. So I used college as an excuse, my parents were always supportive of me playing music. I told them I met these kids at school and they want me to try out for their band tonight here's the address I am going to. You know just in case they were not who they said they were but I was not thinking with how naive I was at this age; I was just really excited to play in a real band not with high school friends; these people were in college. So I ended up practicing with them and they already had songs made and bass lines for those songs so I really just needed to learn the music and then they told me they had a gig coming up in a couple weeks and I needed to be prepared. So in my head I am so excited

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