Personal Narrative Essay Writing

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A couple of weeks ago, the class was assigned a personal narrative essay and the prompt was to tell an interesting story of a specific experience that changed how you acted, thought, or felt. To be honest, I was awfully excited to write this essay because talking about myself is the easiest thing to write about sometimes. However, deciding what experience to talk about was challenging because I have already experienced so much in my seventeen years of being alive from dislocating my hip when I was three, to seeing my grandfather die in front of my eyes, from almost tripping off of the trail on the Grand Canyon, to meeting band members at an airport. Writing this essay brought me many challenges, I did not know what topic to choose, I had no …show more content…

The easiest part of the essay was writing about myself I mean who knows more about you than yourself. Since I decided to write about my favorite experience, the words flowed freely and I remember the year of that concert like it happened yesterday. What was difficult for writing this essay was word choice, how to explain my feelings, and the amount of words. Getting prompts that tells the maximum amount of words is awful for me because I love writing excessively and maximum amount of words are my nightmare. However, on this essay, there was a minimum and I had no trouble reaching the minimum. Throughout my school years, I have been great at vocabulary tests and quizzes, but applying those words in my writing has been difficult. Also, I find that writing down feelings is intense and it takes time, especially when you are a teenage girl with a lot of emotions that do not really make sense. Writing this essay without using the words, “Oh my,” and “Ugh,” was difficult for me because those words sums up everything about my experience. I felt like I spent enough time on this essay because I reached the minimum amount, I told my story without missing any detail, and I had a lot of fun writing it without feeling

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