How To Write A Pedestrian Essay

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Walking is often a child’s main form of transportation. Whether they are traveling to school, a friend’s house, or the neighborhood park, instilling proper pedestrian etiquette early on will help your children avoid the dangers of the road while harnessing the skills to become independent, safe, confident pedestrians. Below, the personal injury attorneys at Young, Reverman & Mazzei Co., L.P.A. outline several ways to teach your child about pedestrian safety.

Pedestrian Safety Tips

Set an Example
Children need parents to model and demonstrate proper pedestrian practices. Make sure to abide by all traffic signs and crossing indicators. Engage your child in discussions regarding pedestrian safety, while teaching them the rules of the road. …show more content…

Always take a moment at the curb to review this tactic to ensure it sticks: “Now what do we do before crossing the street?”

Make Eye Contact with Drivers
Children should be taught to make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street. This signals to both the driver and child that they are aware of one another. If you are unable to make eye contact, it may be best to wait.

Avoid Distractions
Children love mobile technology as much, if not more than adults do. Remind your children that these devices should be put away while on the road. Whatever they are looking at can wait. If there happens to be an emergency, instruct them to locate a safe place to text or call before using their phone.

Unfortunately, no amount of education can guarantee a child’s safety. If you or someone you love has been injured due to the negligence of another party, a personal injury attorney Young, Reverman & Mazzei Co., L.P.A. can help. Focusing on personal injury, workers compensation and motorcycle accident cases, you can depend on their legal team for the professional, aggressive, and compassionate representation you deserve. Visit them online or call (800) 721-1678 to speak with a personal injury

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