How To Kneel And Disrespect The National Anthem

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Our American flag is a symbol of all togetherness between all 50 states and people need to respect it because the meaning to it is beautiful. 50 states that came together to form American, The greatest country in the world! It is offensive for people to kneel during the national anthem because it downgrades us Americans that do care. Showing such disrespect towards the flag and people that fought for us is unpleasant. People in America have fought for every single one of us citizens for a very long time, and the fact is that some of us choose to kneel and disrespect the national anthem because we don’t understand the time and blood it took to build this nation. The past few years many people have been expressing their feelings about what they think the flag and the national anthem means to them. Some people think of it as a race thing or some people’s mentality makes them think the flag is just another thing that has no meaning. …show more content…

Another core reason for this event all started back when Colin Kaepernick 49ers Quarterback decided to kneel during the National Anthem in 2016. Colin kneeled for understanding reasons, Those reasons were because of all the police brutality and racial problems that we had and are still going on today. Since then more and more people have been protesting about and disrespecting the flag and it is getting out of hand. Although people are allowed to express their feelings, they are doing it in a way that is disrespectful and uncalled for. The National Football League needs to make a rule where all players must cooperate with all national or team tradition. Donald J. Trump made a quote and it said “ The issue of kneeling has nothing to do with race. It is about respect for our Country, Flag and National Anthem. National Football League must respect

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