National Anthem Issues

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Many things go on in sports. From playing the game, to the press conferences, to the National Anthem. Lately, many athletes have been protesting the National Anthem because of race and other problems of prejudice and discrimination in the United States. However, kneeling during the national anthem is not the right thing to do. The first athlete to kneel in protest plays in the NFL; his name is Colin Kaepernick. He kneeled during a preseason game in an attempt to create discussion among people in order to shed light on racial injustice. It shocked the world. Although there are many issues, no one should be protesting the National Anthem. This song represents the land of the free and the home of the brave, not the land of the protesters and disrespect.” A couple days after, four Miami Dolphins players chose to kneel during the national anthem before their game against the Seattle Seahawks (who stood with linked arms).”” (Morrison). This just shows that more and more athletes are making the decision to …show more content…

Many people forget that other countries don’t have what we have, whether it’s less rights than us or the general way we live life with free will: they forget it. Kaepernick, among other athletes, protest by kneeling during the National Anthem because of something they disagree with. ‘’Marcus Peters, who plays for the Kansas City Chiefs, stood arm in arm with teammates and raised a fist during the anthem. He said in protest "I'm black. I love being black, and I'm supporting Colin as far as what he's doing as far as raising awareness of with justice system."’ (Morrison). Most things being protested involves race or gender. It’s okay to speak out on your opinions and feelings on these topics, but protesting by disrespecting this great country's anthem isn’t the way to do it. Many have sacrificed their lives to give us our freedom we enjoy today and disgracing it this way is not

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