How To Get Rape In Australia Essay

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Universities Advise On “How To Not Get Raped”

Universities all around Australia seem to have no decent advice on how to help their students feel safe. They place blame on the victim, sometimes not even directly. Victim blaming could include accusatory statements, inappropriate questioning about the details of the assault, minimisation, blame and telling the survivor what to do.

For example, universities advise students not to “give mixed messages” using eye contact, voice, posture and gestures. They are told to avoid getting intoxicated, to pay half of the bill on a date to reduce obligations and are also advised to walk in well-lit areas, carry rape whistles and be ready to scream and shout if attacked. The problem with these “prevention tactics” is that they …show more content…

Sexual assault is not believable when alcohol is present because it is seen as, ‘you were asking for it’. “The second person I asked said I would ruining his life”. Because even though he’s the assailant and he is in the wrong he will have to face consequences and his reputation will be ruined. “The third person I told said it wasn’t a university issue” Australian universities’ policies and procedures regarding sexual assault are often confusing, inconsistent, incomplete, or in some cases non-existent. This makes it extremely difficult for students who have been sexually assaulted to know where they can get help, who they can report the assault to, and what complaint procedures are. “ The fourth person I told asked why I waited so long to tell anyone”.

The responses to the survivor’s story were all different and none of them were helpful, this makes it even more difficult for someone who has been sexually assaulted to talk to anyone about it. The people that are sexually assaulted will go to someone they trust for help, all they will want is to be believed and comforted.

What you can do if someone comes to

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