How The Grinch Stole Christmas Essay

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A special holiday that is celebrated by mostly everyone around the world but mainly
Christian as a festival for the birth of Jesus. A time to just appreciate the ones you love with their company with everyone exchanging gifts and telling stories, children stories are the root of kids learning basic life lessons to comprehend and tell you the do’s and the don'ts of the world they live in. The film,“How The Grinch Stole Christmas” based on the story written by Dr. Seuss, is based on this city called Whoville with the people living there are called whos with them being lovers of Christmas but all expect the Grinch. This responsible text of a self-conflict protagonist, The Grinch. On a daily basis fights a battle within himself with his ego suppressing his emotions away. Through the Freudian and Jungian lens, he will take on his path on finding …show more content…

Knowing Christmas is several days away and with a town who loves Christmas would be a great time to cause trouble. As he would come down from Mount Crumpit with his mask on we would proceed to change everyone’s mail and tie little girls up. The mask he put on would allow him to protect his face and his heart but would allow for his id to accept his behaviors. With see how the whos have such love for Christmas he would do anything to take away their happiness in doing so he saw the real meaning behind Christmas it is not about the lights, the gifts or trees ‘Maybe Christmas doesn’t come in a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more’” (Howard, 124:50). He starts to remove his defense mechanisms which allow him to find individuation and ultimately overcoming his id, He tears down the walls that block out the emotions which allows him to forget his past and celebrate the holiday he has been running from his entire

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