Modern And Ancient Technology: The Development Of Ancient And Modern Technology

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Throughout human history we have developed tools and technologies to improve our way of life. Whether it be irrigation canals or satellites, human beings have strived to make societal functions efficient and precise. But how did modern technology come about? I believe that modern technology improved on some of the basic technological elements that the ancients have left us. I will be concentrating on recordkeeping and long distance communication, and with this I will be talking about the development of the alphabet, cuneiform clay tablets and the domestication of horses/camels as examples of ancient technologies. Two modern technologies I will be going over is cellphones and laptops. The alphabet would fall under recordkeeping technology. It was primarily used to establish direct communication amongst clans and other peoples. Since communication has been established it made recording historical events possible. Recordkeeping solves the issue of enforcing laws, customs, educate the next generation how to perform certain tasks and how to build and use certain technologies. With recordkeeping one can also record historical events that society has experienced. It also provides future generations with a snapshot of how life may look like at the time it was recorded. Three consequences that my categories in general …show more content…

The major similarity between the ancient and modern technologies is that they each in their own individual way served as a way to technological progress in society and as a way to improve our quality of living. The inventions gave motivation to others to make further improvements and to perfect it. For example, the progression throughout the years of laptops and cell phones, have undergone a tremendous

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