How Sports Influenced Me Research Paper

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Sports have a huge impact on American society. Sports have shaped my life in a major way. I’ve been involved in sports ever since I was old enough to participate. By the age of 6 about 60% of boys, and 47% of girls are already involved in organized sports, and the number continues to rise as they get older. Much like myself who was already playing tee ball at the age of 6. As a society the majority of American families push their kids into being involved with a sport. I participated in multiple sports as I grew up; even if I didn’t enjoy playing the sport I stuck it out for the whole season. Unfortunately my sports career ended earlier than expected due to personal family events, which also happens to a significant amount of students. It’s …show more content…

For me I was lucky enough to have great coaches that also grew up playing sports and passed down their knowledge to me by not only teaching me how to excel as an athlete, but also teaching me life skills that I have carried on in my adult life. These skills are what have helped me to interact with others and they also helped me to get my first job. Trying to find a job in the first place is difficult for the average American weather if you’re a thirty year old or an eighteen year old. For younger people they have a slight disadvantage compared to the thirty year old going into an interview due to the difference in work experience. Now if two eighteen year olds go in for an interview at the same place and one of them played sports and the other was not, than the person who was involved with extracurricular activities and sports is going to be accepted before the other person who did nothing but go to school. Sports helped me get my first job because they seen that although I did not have any working experience, I had years of being involved in a team environment, which is what most jobs look for. Sports give Americans an advantage not only on the field or court, but it also gives them advantage in life… for the most

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