How Potatoes Affects The Body

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All humans strive for a healthy and happy lifestyle; what one does not comprehend is, that by regular consumption of potatoes one prevents him or herself from achieveing said ambition. Potatoes are a negative influence on ones body; furthermore, one should significantly decline he or she's intake of potatoes. Due to the fact, that potatoes notably increase one's odds of developing a metabolic syndrome. In the same matter, through consumption of anti-nutrients, potatoes also substancially effect one's internal functions. In final analisys, because potatoes do not only negatively effect one's physical state, but one's mental condition as well. Without question, potatoes are a negative influence on one's physical health, as it leads to multiple occurrences of metabolic syndromes. Since potatoes fall into the category of a vegetable, many believe, potatoes are beneficial for one's health; however, potatoes contain one of …show more content…

Similarily, when one reguarly consumes potatoes, he or she is more likely to feel depressed and unmotivated in his or her life (Cordain). In 1980, Dr. David Jenkins developed the theory as to why potatoes make one feel at a loss of energy (Cordain). Furthermore, Jenkins discovered that due to high levels of glycemic, potatoes cause one's blood sugar levels to significantly rise and severely drop, in just a short amount of time (Cordain). In short, this change in blood sugar level, causes this "depressive" feeling. One who finds him or herself suffering with clinical depression, knows that no one would ever wish to feel in such a manner. Alternatively, when one consumes potatoes, he or she is essentially inviting this feeling to overcome oneself. However, one can decrease one's feeling of drowsiness, by removing potatoes from he or she's diet; therefore, justifying why one should not partake of potatoes, for it immensely effects one's mental

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