How My Father Impacted My Life

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Our world is filled with so many different types of people. As life goes on, people come and go just like you pass cars on the highway. Some grow old while others die young. I have met so many talented, smart, and unique people over the years, but there is one person who stood out to me above others, my father. He was someone like no other person could be, someone that would help me through everything, and someone that could literally do anything. It is very heart breaking to say I can no longer go to him for help or ask him questions, but I know he is watching from above. I would do anything to be able to talk to him again. My father impacted my life tremendously like no other person has before. In the beginnings, my father was a man who …show more content…

As many of you have not heard of this before, this disorder is very rare and it only affects one out of a million adults. This is caused by a blockage or a blood clot in the hepatic veins, which drains the liver. Due to the blockage, it chose a different route to pump blood back into the heart, which caused varices to rupture and bleed internally. He also got diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver a few years after. This is severe liver damage that can occur from a variety of different causes, which leads to permanent damage and scarring of the liver. Along with all of this, cirrhosis of the liver is also not curable, which means there is not medication or treatments to help the disorder. My father's life span to live was only five years after he was diagnosed with both …show more content…

After this occurred, my father was then put on a liver transplant list because there were no solutions. During all of this time of being sick, my father always made time for me and my brother. I have so many memories with my father, which I am very thankful I do and I will cherish them forever. It all started when I was around three or four remembering my father taking me and my brother hunting in the mountains and going fishing at the lake. He enjoyed spending time with us along with hunting and fishing, his favorite outdoor activities. We also went camping, whether it was in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee or Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, we always enjoyed each other's company. One time when we were camping at the beach, I remember it was a cool, Easter day. I could feel the wind brushing against my skin as me and my father was flying kites on the beach. We attached the kites to the end of fishing poles, which allowed them to go further up into the sky. My father always loved doing outdoor activities, especially with me and my brother. Even though my dad was sick internally, he never showed others he was sick from the outside. One thing my father never done was complain. After all of those years of being sick, there was not one day that I heard him complain. He always continued on with life doing the best he possibly could

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