How Jennifer Merritt Influenced Me

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Children meet so many teachers throughout their school career that it is almost impossible to have one teacher they can say has positively influenced them. As for myself though, I can honestly say that there is one teacher that has. My most influential teacher is Mrs. Jennifer Merritt. She was my sixth grade English teacher at Georgetown Middle School. Throughout my middle school career, I can honestly say, she has had the most positive influence on me because she never let me give up. She was very stern but sweet with what and how she told me things. She was the one person I felt comfortable talking to about anything. She not only taught me English, but she taught me life lesson also. Mrs. Merritt would always keep me in check when I would fall out of line. She would also make sure I did not hang out with the wrong crowd of people. If it was not for her, I would probably be hanging around the wrong crowd of people. She taught me life lessons when she did not have to, how every action does not require action, and most importantly how to stay true to myself. (A sentence about my …show more content…

Merritt was the type of teacher that did her job and did it very well. She took her time to really break down and explain what she was teaching. Even though she had to teach certain standards, she always turned them into life lessons. Not only would she make sure I learned about English, she also made sure I never gave up. If she saw that I finished an assignment early she would make sure I started on the next one. For her, it made sure she knew I would not start procrastinating. If she saw that I was having trouble with something and could not seem to get it, she would push me. If I did not get it, she always told me that it was going to be okay. She made sure I knew that in life we may fail at some things, but in the end, it is what makes us better as individuals. She also taught me that there are no shortcuts in life. If I worked hard enough, I would get the results I

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