How Is Ponyboy Honorable

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There are many dishonorable people in the world, can there be any honor amongst them? The greasers are a gang of teens/adults that cause trouble everywhere they go. Their enemy, the Socs (another gang, but a lot richer) attacked Johnny and Ponyboy. Johnny used a blade to kill one of the Soc. Ponyboy,Johnny,and Dally were afraid of getting in a lot of trouble, so they escaped from the authorities. While they were hiding, a church containing kids caught on fire. Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally rescued all the kids and were considered as heros. But that came at a cost, Johnny died of injuries, and Dally suicided because of Johnny’s death. After analyzing the story The Outsiders,I strongly believe that there can be such thing as honor amongst the lawless. …show more content…

The first reason he’s honorable is because of his quote, ”Forget about our lives, we gotta save the children” (Hinton,92) This shows that Ponyboy puts lives of others in front of his which is an honorable thing to do. The quote also shows that he cares for people he has no relationship with. The second reason Ponyboy is an honorable is because of his quote, “You take up for your buddies no matter what they do” (Hinton, 26). This shows that he cares about the greasers even though they do bad things from time to time. People who care for others are usually honorable. In conclusion, I strongly believe Ponyboy is an honorable

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