How Has Technology Changed The Way People Do Things Over A Generation?

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How has technology changed the way people do things over a generation?
Part 1 – Research:
Secondary Research:

What positive changes have there been to increased or changed technology use?
The increased amount of change to the technology we use has made many positives to the way we live our lives for we have now become a globalised world for we now uses social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Skype to connect with people around the world through pictures, text and video’s on your phones, tablets and computers. It has also given those who are still studying at schools many positive benefits, the internet is something they can now gain access to websites and encyclopaedias or even e-books which teaches them the skills to research for assignments and homework. It has given those under the ages of 20 or even above the access to games and their consoles which if you compare the changes from the early days of games; things have changed for the better. The gaming industry has allowed gamers across the world to improve and compete with their learnt skills in competitions, later …show more content…

Instead of using the natural way of communication they now rely on these sites for it has now become the new way of communication where we now simply sit in front of a small or big screen. It’s something many people have said to be the main issue with the change of technology for it has caused those addicted to social media to gain a lack of social skills which can affect those who are volunteering for a job for example. It’s not just social media it’s also a wide range of things which can cause obesity due to the lack of exercise, depression and bad sleeping habits caused by the overwhelming usage of

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