How Emlyn Williams Creates a Sense of Place and Historic Period in The Corn is Green

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How Emlyn Williams Creates a Sense of Place and Historic Period in The Corn is Green

"The Corn is Green" is a Welsh play which is set in a small welsh

village in 1890. The play gives us an understanding of what life was

like and how important it was to fit into your surroundings.

The play is set in Wales and anyone who was reading it would be able

to tell this by the use of welsh language and welsh phrases used

throughout the play not only by Mr Jones but, also Morgan and his

fellow classmates. The names Jones and Morgan are a good indication

that the play is set in Wales.

The play is about a typical welsh household which is disturbed by the

sudden arrival of Miss Moffat who has intentions of setting up a

school and educate all the children working in the mines with the help

of Mr Jones and Mrs Rombery. Miss Moffat takes great interest in

Morgan and wants to push him all the way to Oxford University.

The play is based on Emlyn Williams' own experience when he was a

child. He was destined to work in the mines so we can therefore

conclude that his childhood is very closely linked with Morgans

character in the play.


Mr Jones is a pure welsh man and the welsh language which he uses

creates a sense of place in the play.


"Gofyn I dy dad I roi rwbeth arno am heddyw"


From this we can see that Mr Jones speaks welsh. Because of the

importance of social class, most of the village spoke welsh. Mr Jones

uses welsh throughout the play and most of the boys in the village

also speak welsh


"Cythral uffarn" (Morgan)

"Be hari hi" (Glyn)

These quotes show us that the boys in the village spoke welsh. The

constant use of welsh language tells us that the play is set in Wales.

In 1890 people did not want to be different from their fellow

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