How Does The Giver Live Without Knowledge

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Imagine a society where everything you do is because someone told you do it. No decisions, just rules. Sameness between everyone in the society is the goal. This is how the People in the Giver live their lives. So in order to accomplish these things they have stripped all memory and knowledge of past lives and created a new society based on rules. Taking away knowledge can be helpful in ways such as obedience however it can cause problems. Using knowledge is something we do every day to make decisions, and without knowledge it takes away the decision entirely. Very simple things such as colors, animals, and music are absent in the city. When sameness is what they want emotion can not get in the way so they took that too. Yearning, guilt, happiness, and joy are things they will never feel. The Giver community is safe and peaceful however, their lack of knowledge is …show more content…

In the giver the people are rarely exposed to chaos and bad things happening. Justice is always served, and there is no rebelling however, their lack of knowledge prohibits them from knowing what to do when something does go wrong or when a tradition or rule needs to be changed or replaced. Keeping bad things from happening is impossible. Later in the book the giver describes a time when a plane was flown directly above the city which is a violation to the rules. Most were clueless on what to do and were forced to ask the giver for guidance. Not knowing what to do, the elders would have surely done something that they would regret without the givers help. Other unexpected situations in the book happen such as when the child fell into the river or when they considered having a greater population. Patiently the giver had to be consulted in order to make a good decision. Rational judgement and intelligence are definitely lacking in the people of the giver because of the limited knowledge they

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