How Does Teen Suicide Affect Our Society

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Teen suicide is a social issue that the world is going through. Teen suicide is a problem that affects the whole world , mainly because this issue is global. Global means that the whole world is having the same issue that they are going through and that no one can control. The teen suicide rate has been increasing in the world since 1999. Research has shown that half of the youth every year have taken their own lives away by using firearms. Teen suicide is the 3rd most leading cause of death in the world of ages 15-24 (Teen Suicide 1). Also teen suicide is the 4th leading cause of death of the ages 10-14 (Teen Suicide 1). Researches have notice that females only attempt suicide. While males actually dies by suicide. The National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) states …show more content…

Teens when they are in this stage do not care about anyone who cares about them. They do not care because they have already planned everything out and they just want to die other than getting help and staying in this world. Teen Suicide is a major problem in the world today because many innocent young adults are taking their own lives away due to harassment,family problem, and medical issues. Some family problems that could be going are divorces, losing a family member, and just their family not including them into anything and or care about them. The teen could also be going through some hard time because the teen could homosexual or a transgender and people will always judge them because of that. there could also be a break up that the teen has went through and they can not get through because it could be their first hard break. Teen suicide is a problem for the young adults parents,family,and friends.The parents will suffer by losing a loved one and by thinking that this is all their fault for not seeing the signs.The parents will also read the teens suicide letter if the teen left one and will always reread it because it is the reasons why their daughter or son had to do what he/she had to

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