How Does Race Influence Celie's Development?

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I believe that race, class, gender, and sexual orientation intersect to influence Celie’s development; however, some of those factors are greater influence than others. For example, race is not a big factor for Celie. The film does not show that white suppressed her for being white. Even though, White families were more prestige than Black families; Celie experienced other major factors that influenced her development more than race. One thing that I think race played an important role in Celie’s development was society’s belief about women’s place. For example, when Celie had a baby who was a girl, her father took the baby away from Celie’s because she was a girl and not a boy. African Americans back in the days felt that women had a lower place in society. They believed that women should submit to their husband and do as they said. In addition, class play an important role in Celie’s but again the factor was not as strong as other factors. For example, Celie belonged to a middle class family, and her husband own animals and other properties. However, in the way that class played an important role in her development was that she could not speak up because her husband felt that he own her because he had money and not her. For instance when Celie’s sister was kick out of her husband’s …show more content…

As mentioned before, women were not valued during Celie’s time; especially Black women. In one scene in the film, a girl named Sofia tried to defend her rights and she answered back to a prestige White woman, then the White woman’s husband wanted to make Sofia to humiliate, but Sofia hit the man and she was beat up, and put in jail for many years. This is the way Black woman were treated back in the days and Celie’s development was affected greatly due to gender inequality. Celie was forced to do the household job, she was forced to have sex without her consent, and she was treated like an object that has no

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