How Does George Orwell Use Propaganda To Deceive People

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Lies. Telling a lie is about the worst thing that someone can do. Technically, there is no direct harm in telling a lie, but what a lie can do to someone is where the real damage begins. Eric Hoffer once said, “Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves.” Basically, the stretched truth, propaganda, doesn’t hurt people, but it guides these individuals to believe these lies. In other words, propaganda doesn’t directly hurt a human being, but it instead helps the individual to mentally hurt him/herself. Propaganda makes others believe in the stretched truth. In fact, people use propaganda to manipulate innocent individuals to believe in something for their own benefit. In the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, propaganda plays a huge role in helping dictator Napoleon get all the power. Since Squealer uses Propaganda to trick the other animals to show loyalty to dictator Napoleon, the animals are “deceiving themselves” with the guidance of these stretched truths. …show more content…

Likewise, the statement by Eric Hoofer “Propaganda does not deceive people; it barely helps them to deceive themselves” proves how dishonesty can mentally hurt somebody. First and foremost, when someone tells a lie they aren’t forcing one to believe in the lie. However, its is one’s mind who chooses to believe in the lie hurting themself. For example, Hitler uses propaganda when he convinces millions of people that all Jews should die. On the contrary, he never forced those few million people to believe in his lies. Overall, propaganda may not directly hurt someone, but the belief in propaganda

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