Why We Are Loudest When We Lie

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As Eric Hoffer said, “We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves.” Basically, delusion is a powerful lying tool because it filters our information that contradicts we want to believe and it would make us feel more comfortable. Although it seems like lots of benefits to us, I still believe that delusion is the most dangerous lie for society because it will be impossible to be honest with others if we lie to ourselves and myriads of things we want to believe are not real and sometimes those lies will hurt us. Besides, it will make our lives full of lies.

It is an undeniable fact that we are unable to be honest with others if we lie to ourselves. Some individuals say that we can avoid lying to others although we lie to ourselves despite the fact that it is insurmountable. For example, if we were to fully contemplate the consequences of our stockpiles of nuclear weapons or global warming, we could hardly function on a day-to-day level. We don’t want to incorporate that much reality into our lives because to do so would be paralyzing. (From page 167) Obviously, we are unwilling to face the reality, which means we lie to ourselves as well as lie to those people who are not understanding this matter. …show more content…

While it may be true that fake things make us more comfortable and happier, this sort of comfort and happiness are extremely dangerous. For instance, Alcoholics who believe that the problems in their lives are legitimate reasons for drinking rather than the results of the drinking offer the classic example of deluded thinking. (From page 167) Eventually, they will keep drinking and die because what they want to believe is not the

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