How Does Crabbe Get His Adulthood

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A lot of people talk about the different ways to find adulthood but is there really only one right path? In the novel Crabbe by William Bell, Franklin Crabbe runs away from his very privileged life into the woods to live independently. Crabbe finds his adulthood after making a decision to run away since he learns to be independent and make decisions on his own, he does not let little things stop him from living his life and he performs selfless acts to benefit others. One of the ways Crabbe finds his adulthood is by learning to be independent and making decisions on his own without anyone else's consent. Crabbe shows the reader that he now makes decisions for himself when he says, "I sweep floors, mop up the cafeteria, clean washrooms - fascinating stuff like that. My parents aren't too happy about Crabbe the scholar doing unskilled labour but I wanted to pay them, something for the room and board." (Bell 167). This quotation shows the readers that Crabbe is now living …show more content…

Instead of returning to his old habits, Crabbe shows he is ready to take control. This is evident when he says "Don't think I spent that whole winter moping around though. Not on your life. After a month or so of doing nothing, the inactivity was starting to get to me, so I took up jogging to get some exercise and stay in shape. I also answered an ad in the newspaper and got a job at a sheet metal plant across town that manufactures office equipment, shelves, and certain auto body parts." (Bell 167). This quotation shows readers that even though Crabbe encounters a devastating tragedy with Mary's death, he puts it aside and starts doing things to benefit his life. He goes from a person who complains about his problems to someone who benefits from them. Crabbe changes drastically the way he now lives his life by not letting anything ruin it and learning from his

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