How Does Athena Shape Odyssey's Life

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A god that shapes Odyssey's life is Athena. She shapes Odysseus life because she gets him through things. Athena guides Odysseus, She has made it her mission to ensure his safe return.

At the a divine council on Mount Olympus, Athena helps out Odysseus by talking to her father Zeus and saying, "to take pity on Odysseus and allow him to return home." That quote shows that Athena is shaping Odysseus 's life because she is the one who is trying to help Odysseus get home to his wife and kids

That's not the only thing Athena has done for Odysseus, Athena also suggested that Zeus dispatch Hermes to liberate Odysseus from Calypso while she goes to advise Odysseus 's son, Telemachus. Athena tells Telemachus that she predicts that his father will

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