How Do Cell Phones Affect Our Lives

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Post World War ll our world has evolved tremendously, doing things many would never have imagined been done; from computers to green energy and even to air travel. Our world is buzzing with technology with people using it everyday, and the one thing that helps everyone easily connect every second, cell phones. From personal knowing cell phones are everywhere, in every American's hand to many Africans hands even in the bush of Africa where the town was out of bread for two whole days. Cell phones have not just become a cool new thing in our world, cell phones have become a necessity in our world and in most people's daily lives. But cell phones have also not just affected our world to make it easier to text my friend on the other side of the room so no one knows were talking, cell phones have affected everything from an economical to political standpoint everywhere. Through cell phones politics have become a more world indulged concept. With over 6 billion people having cell phones around the world, and many of those having …show more content…

In today’s age there is so much controversy on whether or not cell phones are helping the world or destroying it. When cell phones first came out it was instantly the thing to have with no second guessing, you just had to have it. But these days many people are saying that it is disconnecting us from the real world. But even with everybody saying that, a study was done saying that over three-quarters of the cell phone owners asked said that cell phones made their lives easier overall or did not really have an affect at all. They said that it makes it easier to contact family or friends from long distances and are able to keep up with what is going on in people's lives they would never be able to normally talk to without them. In addition, it also helped people who would normally forget about events be able to set reminders and help them not only remember to be there but get there on

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