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History of cell phones essay
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Cell phone technology has been around for over twenty years. It has only been the last ten years where it has integrated completely into our lives and changed how we communicate with each other. Entire social rules of interaction were completely changed. Now you could be reached at anytime. It seemed like having a cell phone guaranteed some level of privacy from others around you. But what about your own privacy? With the technology revolution that has been taking place there seems to be no focus on personal relationships. The entire English language has been chopped up and shortened into meaningless letters and phrases It has caused loss of human interaction and expression in our modern daily lifestyles. Last week I was taking a break in between shifts at work and grabbing a quick bite to eat. While eating my sandwich, I noticed a group of about five teenagers walking down the street together. Every single one of them was on their cell phone either talking or texting. What is so important to distract everyone one of them from each other? What happened to the strong bonds of childhood friends? There seems to be this emotional void or no understanding as to how to relate to each other in a real world sense. Everyone always seems so much cooler when they can type and then retype what they want to say. There is no vulnerability and growth with each other. Another distraction has to be the loss of our beautiful language. Human inflection and tone along with gestures to convey our meaning make up a good part of our language. It is more than just words put together. How are we supposed to explain complex thoughts of feeling with the loss of compassion? My friend Danielle was dating this guy for over a year. They had shared a lot of experiences both good and bad. They even talked about marriage and what their future could be. When she got the text that he didn't think it could work out she was devastated. There was no real explanation nor any opportunity to ask questions- to make him responsible for the negligent way in which he treated her. He was able to just deliver a bomb and then walk away with no emotional accountability.
In the essay “Our Cell Phones, Our Selves” written by Christine Rosen, the author presents a brief history on how cell phones were introduced into society and how this artifact changed people’s interactions in the physical space. Rosen describes the first cell phone that appeared in 1983 as “hardly elegant,” big and expensive (458). Cell phones at that time were mainly used by important and affluent people. However, seven years later, cell phones became smaller and affordable provoking a big change in society. This big technological advance did not only affect the United States, but the entire world.
Technology has advanced at a rapid rate over the past decade. We can now do things on the go, including social networking, shop, check email, not to mention, make a call. As technology develops, electronics get smaller and smaller. Over 10 years ago, cell phones were the size of (if not larger than) cordless house phones. We would only see them being carried by business men or lawyers. Now there are 8 year olds with blackberry’s. Cell phones are a huge part of most of our lives, But what effects have they had on American culture?
piece of technology. Because of how accessible ithas been made to our generations and many years to come. In today 's generation, a cell phone and technology is a necessity rather than a privilege.Rosen talks about how a cell phone has changed people’s ability to focus on the task at hand, how technology evolved and is now causing problems, and the way of communicating has changed in a drastic way. Although technology helps connect people, Rosen argues that cell phones are the
This first handheld cell phone weighed 2.4 pounds and was 9 x 5 x 1.75 inches in size. For reference, the iPhone 6 is 5.44 x 2.64 x 0.27 inches and weighs just 129 grams (0.28 pounds). The first handheld cell phone also had only 20 minutes of battery life when talking. Once the phone battery was drained, it took approximately 10 hours to charge back up fully. As phones change, society changes along with it because people rely on their phones for everything. As phones develop people develop with them. And People have evolved to have everything they need right in their pockets.
Cell phones are gradually affecting American culture today because they are becoming a key part of everyday life. The cell phone is "?an indispensable companion that serves without favor or prejudice. It has reached into every civilized corner of the world--and often brought civilization with it. From its wires spring the words of history in the making, the chatter of daily life" ("43 Years" sc. 1). The cell phone enables individuals to communicate rapidly over great distances and obtain information like never before. People can now pick up the phone and get information on the weather, time, stock market quotations, and other things simply by dialing a few numbers. Cell phones connect the world together, to the point where individuals become almost helpless without it. The next time you find yourself waiting at a stoplight, take the time to observe the people around you. There will likely be at least one person in the surrounding cars who is talking on the phone. Even on the streets, people continue to chat on the phone. Cell phones are everywhere. One resident in Greenville, S.C. admitted that he uses his cell phone at least 15 times a day (Chany sc. 2). The cell phone is in such high use that the traditional phones in homes and offices almost become antique devices on display. Although traditional phones are still around, individuals are quicker to pick up their cell phone.
When cell phones were first introduced, all you could do was call others and talk for half an hour. It was like a brick and took ten hours to charge. It also cost $3995. That’s a lot more than most of today’s cell phones. Even, though it was a very basic phone, it began impacting the world. Now, you could call your relatives and actually talk with them without being next to them. Parents gave their kids cell phones to stay in touch. Now you can contact anyone through your mobile phone in multiple ways. You can text, call, facetime or message someone through social media. Cell phones abilities
Technology is robbing people of personal privacy. Today’s generation view technology as a basic necessity. It is found everywhere. There are even homes that are completely automated. However it is safe to say were being robbed of our personal privacy. For instance many people carry their cellular phone to the washroom. Another example of the intrusive nature of the cell phone is at funerals. Many have been at such a private and personal moment only to be interrupted by the irreverent ringtone from a cellular phone. Not to mention that there are families who no longer enjoy face to face communication with their loved ones. All emotions are now translated by emoticons, a computer application.
The Social Construction of Technology (or SCOT) is a new research tradition rooted in the sociology of technology. SCOT provides a multi-directional model based on the property of interpretative flexibility, and emphasizes on social influences on the technology design and development. This paper will apply SCOT principles to explore the development of cell phone, define the development of cell phone into three different stages historically, and analyze the interpretative flexibility of the cell phone accordingly in the three different stages. Based on SCOT theory, this paper will discuss how the original huge cell phones are shaped and developed by social influences to the smartphones in today’s life.
Many people in today’s society rely on technology to help us with our daily lives and help us stay connected to family, friends, and other people. The advancements in today’s cell phone technology is very complex and made to be efficient for their owners, allowing them to surf the net and IM message people instantly. Cellphones in particular have developed very fast in the past 15 years. From my childhood, cell phones have evolved from the old school Nokia bricks that allowed texts, calls, and simple graphic games, to todays I-Phones that have higher computable capabilities than some computers. In the United States alone, there is an estimated population of around 297 million people, and 197 million people are subscribed to cell phone companies (Starr). With so many people in today’s society with so much power and opportunity in the palm of their hands, we shouldn’t forget that “With great power comes great responsibility” –Voltaire.
The notion that the cell phone may one day become obsolete may never become reality. The concept of personal computing and communication (which is essentially what the smartphone is today) can never be defunct. Humans are built to connect with one another and we see instances of this throughout our lifetime. We are born into families, biological or not. We go to church to gather with our congregation. We’re sent to school to learn with other children our age. To eventually work with like-minded people, meet our spouses and have a family of our own. Our phones revolutionized even more with the bang of social media. The proliferation of social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram just to name a few, forever changed the dynamic of our social interactions. Through Instagram I can lie on the beaches of Cap Ferrat in the French Riviera with my cousin who visits there every year or I can open my Vine app and swim with tropical fishes in the Bahamas with my best friend Chelsi who loves the beach. In addition, cell phones enable us to interact with people we wouldn’t normally encounter. This not only permits us to learn from one other and the world around us, but we can help in times of need. In fact, during Hurricane Sandy our cell phones played an important role. In 2012 someone had the idea to create a Facebook page that bridged the gap between victims and good Samaritans
It’s impossible to walk around the streets without seeing someone texting. The World Bank says, “Three quarters of people on earth have access to a mobile phone.” Cell phones are a part of our everyday lives. Our society is obsessed with communication. Technology has some positives and negatives.
Most innovations have are two sides, the good side and the bad side and the cell phone is no exception. Many people find it difficult to believe that there was a time that cell phones did not exist. Letters back then were used to pass messages across before the telephones were introduced. Initially, telephones were used only to call people, who would receive the call only if they were near the receiver. Then the cell phones were introduced. They could receive or make calls and text messages to most parts of the world. With the cell phones, it was easier to write a text message than to hand write a note as it was before (). With time, the level of use of cell phones has gone up with more features being introduced. The cell phone technology is a double-edged innovation that inevitably changed as both positively and negatively socially.
Like the rest of the world, I cannot go a day without my phone. Try leaving your phone at home for a day and let me know how you feel. With the growing technology my phone is like my arms and legs. It is my must- have- can’t live without phone. It is my connection to the outside world. It is my connection to other people’s lives and theirs to connect with mine. The “cell phone” started out as a form of communication via calling and then it exploded with text messaging. Now it seems that most people would prefer texting then calling someone.
Twenty-five years ago, a phone was just a way to contact someone. Mobile phones have become one of the most common tools of communication for both young and old. Cellular devices have redefined relationships and social conduct, and transformed the daily lives of many individuals. Cell phones no longer function just as a communication device. Today it has many other uses.
In today’s world the vast majority of the population owns a cell phone. Cell phones are a huge part of people’s everyday lives. Since the 1940’s when mobile phones became available for automobiles, phone companies have made huge strides in making mobile phones more efficient, much smaller, and more available for anyone to use. There was a time where only people of wealth had these types of mobile phones. Now people from all social classes own a cell phone. They are extremely convenient and have the ability to do just about anything you can think of. There is an “app” for everything. You can make phone calls, text message, surf the web, pay your bills, read books, catch up on social media, and even listen to you music all from one small handheld device. Cell phones play a huge role in today’s economy. Businesses such as AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint have become huge public corporations with large stakes in the stock market. Between these companies among several other phone companies they have created millions of jobs and opportunities. Cell phone companies have now created what are known as “smart phones”. These phones are typically slim and sleek and have countless versatile abilities. However, cell phones have not always been so “smart” or small for that matter.