How Did Walt Disney Use Propaganda

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Propaganda Group Discussion Throughout history there have been many different propaganda strategies. Using visual imagery is a very effective way to appeal to the masses and get the point across as efficiently as possible. Within our brainstorming session in our group discussion, we discussed different political leaders throughout history that have shown the use of propaganda. For example, Hitler, Stalin etc... as well as propaganda in the entertainment business. Walt Disney is a perfect example of this, which is why we chose him as our focus in our group presentation. The statue of Walt Disney waving his hand high, with Mickey Mouse by his side heavily resembles the Augustus Prima Porta statue. The way both bodies are positioned, with cupid or mickey mouse down on the lower side are very similar. Walt Disney and Augustus are both leaning on one foot, standing tall, with their arm raised. Walt Disney used this statue as a representation of himself and his greatest accomplishment, looking over all that he had accomplished. In the piece, Walt Disney appears to be mid sentence, as if he is speaking down to mickey as he would an old friend. Whereas, Augustus is more solemn and …show more content…

Therefore, he is greater than most, which is a recurring pattern within propaganda. Promoting figures as if they are elevated above the the rest of the population. Although this seems to be more apparent in political propaganda, the point still stands with Walt Disney. Disney named an entire park, and company after his own himself and still chose to put a giant statue of himself with the area named himself. When reflecting on this my group realized how propaganda is very idealized and can tend to come off egotistical. Humility is not the word I would use to describe leaders that chose to put themselves on a huge propaganda campaign to appear as greater than the

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