How Did Walt Disney Influence American Culture

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Steven Watt’s The Magic Kingdom is a biography on Walt Disney’s life, focusing on everything from his early life to around the time of his death. As a boy, Disney enjoyed working on his own art and animation, despite the disapproval of his father, and in due time this would be Disney’s ticket to the life of luxury. As Disney’s talent grew, so did his fame which allowed him to hold a good amount of power over the people that admired and loved him and his work. This power was especially useful and prominent during times of war, and at these times Disney would continue to make his creations, such as documentaries, to push the people to think a certain way or believe a certain topic. From the time that Disney held influence over people, he would use entertainment to sway the minds of the American people, contributing to America’s rising power during the 20th century; Disney would use his creative outlets to reassure …show more content…

He does this while also showing that America is a powerful country that should not be tampered with — potentially referring to matters such as communism among others — and as the little cherry on top, he works to prevent Americans from forgetting their morals or from quickly changing who they are to fit with the rest of Americans; he really wants them to stick with their values. By using the American way of life to sway the people, American citizens will remember what they stand for as a country and as a community and with this creates a uniform power to fight back against anything that threatens American security; American citizen’s number one priority is to protect their families and their homes and Disney knew and utilized

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