How Did The Three Punic Wars Affect Rome

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efore Julius Caesar took over, the Roman Empire was not ruled by one person. It was ruled by two consuls who were elected by the citizens of Rome. Rome was then known as a Republic.The Republic was destroyed by imperial expansion. The Mediterranean narrows significantly between Rome and Carthage, meaning that these two ancient republics would fight to the death for control of transportation and commerce. Long and numerous wars can and did destroy republics. Republics tend to turn into empires when they fight and expand by securing bigger defensive and commercial corridors. The three Punic wars against Carthage slowly turned Rome into an empire.Victories abroad led to unforeseen changes at home, economically, socially, and politically. Slaves imported as the spoils of war drastically altered the economy of the agrarian republic. They undercut the prices of the …show more content…

A senate composed of patricians elected these consuls. At this time, lower-class citizens, or plebeians, had virtually no say in the government.The government of the Roman Republic was organized into three branches. One branch made laws; another ran the daily affairs of government; a third branch acted as judges. The republic had a system of checks and balances. This system was designed to prevent one branch from becoming too strong. It did not separate powers like the United States government does today, however. Judges helped run the government and could lead armies. Some leaders who ran the government also helped make laws.In my opinion the best form of government was the Roman Republic because it had a lot of power.It was so organized not saying the senate wasn' but the Roman Republic government was more organized.The system was designed to not make a branch which was smart.A lot of people made laws and the Senate had a lot of people but they wouldn't organized has well has the Roman

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