How Did The Ottoman Empire Impact The Creation Of Global History

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The Ottoman Empire impacted the creation of global history the most through its victories, trade, and religious identity. Not only did this empire last the longest; it was the strongest, too. Conquering most of Western Europe, the Middle East, and the Northern Stretch of Africa, the Ottoman Empire reached its peak in size and strength in 1683. In 1453, Constantinople fell to the Ottomans. The Christians fled north to Moscow and Italy while Constantinople, the original home of the orthodox Christian church, became Muslim Istanbul. Through their capture of Constantinople, the Ottomans were the reason the orthodox Christian church is now in Vatican City. Their pushing of Christianity north also resulted in the renaissance, when art and culture flourished in Italy, from the rush of Christian scholars fleeing from the captured Constantinople. This greatly …show more content…

The Ottoman Empire government was based largely on religion much like other powers during that time. This strengthened the relations of the nobility and the common folk because they all shared a common view on religion. Unlike the Russian empire, they were all connected through their religion which gave them a shared interest or link to each other which closed the gaps between the peasants and aristocracy. The military was even trained to be more loyal to their religious beliefs than their leader. This tactic has been used many times in many nations around the world. The government keeps the military in check through a “higher power.” Every religiously based government is binded in a tighter bond than an ordinary one; this keeps everyone united. The Ottoman Empire was by far the strongest and largest empire; they were the most cosmopolitan, as well. The land they have conquered, their trade, and their religiously based government are all reasons as to why the Ottoman Empire impacted global history the

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