How Did Marilyn Monroe Commit Suicide

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Marilyn Monroe, a young inspirational woman, who left her mark on this world, died at the age of just 36. But from what you ask? Well, to be frank, murder. Although her life did have the structure for her to want to commit suicide, the facts and evidence have proven suicide to be taken out of the question. Each detail compiles up and shows it to be nothing else, other than murder. Due to the cold hard facts that this belief is logical is; One: There was no flask on the crime scene. And it was often stated that Monroe had a flask in hand when she downed pills. Two: When they performed the autopsy they didn’t find any pills what so ever in her stomach. And one of the famous causes of death supposedly believed is she overdosed on purpose. Three: What did they did find inside the star, was a lethal injection of enema. Why would Marilyn inject herself with enema? That doesn’t make any sense. And lastly, reason Four: It was said on the crime scene that pills and pill bottles were strategically placed around Monroe’s body on the crime scene. That already sounds suspicious enough. Another piece to the puzzle of murder is that Monroe was supposedly having an affair with the Kennedy’s. She was allegedly having an …show more content…

These tapes were leaked to the police from Marilyn’s former therapist. He recorded their sessions, and for a while he refused to release the tapes to the police. But once the police began to suspect he was the murderer he relented and let the police view the tapes. In these tapes Monroe does not seemed depressed at all. Although she does talk about her failed marriages in these tapes, Monroe shows not a drop of being depressed. Infact, she just talks about her careers, past relationships, and her plans for the future. Why on earth would Marilyn just decide to off herself off, when she had all these big ideas going for her own future? That doesn’t make any sense at

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