How Did Mao Zedong Contribute To The Chinese Civil War

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The Chinese Civil War was fought between the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Nationalist Party of China, also known as the Kuomintang (KMT). The CPC was led by communist leader, Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong believed that China needed a change and he was the right guy for it. He called this change the “New China”. On the flip side, the KMT were led by Nationalist leader Sun Yat-Sen. He advocates for political independence in China. This means that he wanted China to gain complete independence and be a free republic. During the war Japan invaded China. China would have easily been defeated by Japan if the CPC and the KMT had not put a pause on the war. The CPC and the KMT joined forces in order to put a quick stop to the Japanese invasion. …show more content…

Mao said “The Chinese people now have much greater confidence that they can unite to defeat the aggressors and build a new China.” When he said “a new China”, he meant that at the time China was not where he would’ve liked it to be and he wanted build a new China. This new China would have created a Communist based idealism that would essentially fix the problems at hand. Mao thought that economic equality would rid the country of it’s high rate of poverty and hopefully put more people into the workforce. This is what Mao believed in, and that’s what he fought for during the Chinese Civil War The opposing force to Mao and the CPC was the KMT led by Sun …show more content…

The U.S. thought that it was not in the best interest of the world to be at war. China was a place that supplied many countries with many different things. For them to be going through this economic crash just because of the war is absurd in the eyes of the United States. “Although the United States could have stayed out of this, they were right” The U.S. did the right thing by involving themselves and trying to civilly put an end to the madness by inviting them to a peace conference. The CPC were not fans of the idea of ending the war. They wanted to enforce their beliefs in China and they thought the only way to do that was to defeat the KMT in

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