How Did Josef Mengele Use Medical Experiments During The Holocaust

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During the Holocaust over six million Jews and non-Jews were murdered for no good reason. A vast majority were ill and died from dysentery and other deadly diseases. The killing of these poor, innocent people angered many other people who were not affected by the Holocaust personally. The cause of the Holocaust began after Hitler became chancellor in 1933. He had amazing speaking skills and won the hearts of many by promising to restore Germany to what it used to be. Instead he caused a war between man and man and killed millions of people who never deserved what they got. While concentration camps were active many doctors, whom had taken Hitler’s side, ran experiments on some of the Jews and other non-Jews for “medical purposes”. The experiments often ended in death for the subjects. They performed different experiments for different reasons. The different type of medical experiments they would do are freezing/hypothermia, infectious diseases, interrogation and torture, killing/genocide, high altitude, pharmacological, …show more content…

Mengele was a sick and twisted man at work but at home people claimed he seemed perfectly fine. He would be there in person to pick out who his next subjects would be. Although he always had a favorite he was looking for; twins. He found twins so fascinating and unique and loved to do tests on them. The majority of his experiments, after he was done, he would kill the subjects if they hadn’t died already. He used to do an experiment where he would put chemicals into someone’s eyes and see if they would change the eye color. This usually rendered the person blind or partially blind. After the Holocaust ended he ran off to South America where he spent the rest of his days. He despised it because he was with people who were of a different race. He later died of a stroke while swimming one day. He was never convicted of his crimes against humanity. (Mengele’s

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