How Did Dbq 11 Influence The 21st Century

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1: Because of World War 1 it brought forth a lot of new technology such as tanks, chemical weapons, and aircraft which influenced the fallowing wars. 2: The Great Depression/Crash of Wall Street has influenced the 21st century because it was a very difficult time for people they were short on food, clothing, some people even lost their jobs, and homes. This influenced the 21st century because when the housing market fell in 2008 people looked back to the crash of Wall Street/Depression to see if there was any correlation or if they could learn from it. 3: World War 11 had a big impact on people living at home in the States, because of the war people had ration stamps and things like rubber, sugar, and clothing were in shortage because it all had to be sent to our troops and because of …show more content…

The Cold War begins, it is significant because it influenced a movement of people who did not support the president’s decision of getting into the war. In which a lot of music was made that is still played and listened to today. 6: Communist China joins the UN in 1971 this was a big relief for everyone living in the states because of the fear of communism spreading to the USA. 7: Iraq-Iran War begins this influenced the 21st century because the price of oil went up therefore the price of gas had risen directly influencing people in the States. 8: Berlin Wall falls. This impacted people because after the wall fell there was a sense of freedom and happiness in Germany which resonated into the States and many people today still talk about that monumental day. 9: The official end of the Cold war in 1990 influenced our nuclear weapons by evolving them into more advanced deadly weapons as a result of that we still have a lot of those weapons that were used then. 10: The War on Terror, 9/11 this influenced the 21st century because it was emotionally devastating for the Nation after the Twin Towers were bombed it then opened the door of the struggle between the West and

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