Hound Of The Baskervilles Comparison

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In the story, The Hound of the Baskervilles, the detectives were looking for the mysterious Hound that was tormenting the Baskerville family. Incorporated in the story are the characters Sherlock Holmes and his “sidekick” named Watson that will leave the reader anxious to keep reading. Throughout The Hound of the Baskervilles, a novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, which had been altered to make into the movie, directed by David Attwood. They had been very different yet still had their similarities. In the novel and movie were many major and noticeable character changes, contrast in the endings, and the contrast in setting and clues used to solve the mystery. The author had made a novel and book to further the understanding on how the …show more content…

A character that was drastically changed had been Stapleton, where he had been the one that found the skulls of others intriguing (Attwood). Some of the character’s appearance had been different where the beard of Selden was no more and how Dr. Mortimer had looked a little older than described.Sometimes, characters would be added such as Mrs. Mortimer that had been included more in the movie. She had played a semi-important part in the movie rather than the novel. Her contribution was talking to the ghost of Sir Charles and then the hound banged on the window, which had thought to be a sign. Yet some of the characters had not changed that much, such as Holmes and Watson, where they remained the same. Also the movie ending had been from very different perspectives yet still portrayed the same effect. The ending of the movie had been very different where Watson had gotten shot and Holmes was about to die sinking into the mud/quicksand. Also Beryl the “sister” (actually the wife) of Stapleton had been hung since Stapleton had found out that she tried to warn Sir Henry about what he was planning to do. The whole ending had been altered, that when the hound was chasing Sir Henry, he had been bitten by the hound. There had been many clues in the movie to solve the mystery along with the changes in setting. One scene had been in Merripit House where Watson had visited Stapleton and his “sister” and saw an artifact that Stapleton had found. Later in the story when Sherlock Holmes had come he had noted that he had seen the artifact before that was found by someone else, yet he looked the same as Stapleton. Then he found out that the person he recognized had been a Barrymore. Also, when Holmes needed to find information about the man that was following Sir Henry in a taxi, Sherlock Holmes does not need to use violence against the taxi driver to tell him about the person he

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