Hot Burglar Case Study Essay

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Over the years we have witnessed various crimes through mass media and the news. As we view the horrific events, we become heartbroken for the victim and their family members. Then we find ourselves wondering, what could have triggered someone to act in such a manner. How could someone enter a school, business, or night club to take the lives of innocent people? This paper will explore the risk factors of becoming an offender, theories of criminal behaviors, and three types of offenders based upon the case studies.
Case 1: Hot Burglar Ray is a 17 year old male who likes to burglaries, home of the wealthy. He mentioned he likes entering homes, which the owners are asleep because it gave him a sense of power. He reports his living environment is not the best. He mentioned his stepfather is verbally abusive to him in public and at home. Ray also mentioned witnessing his mother being …show more content…

A college football coach, who is known and respected by members of the community, founded a charity organization to help underprivileged youths. The coach has been grooming boys on the team for sexual encounters for over 30 years. He has been reported have sexual encounter in the school, his home, on college campus, his golf resort, in the locker and hotel rooms. His loves for the children in the community hinder people from coming forth, including his family. Miller (2012) mentions seductive molester (pedophile typologies) courts and grooms their victims giving gifts and attention, as the coach has been doing for the last 30 years to his victims. His behavior would be considered as instrumental and expressive. His crime would be considered expressive for the reason he may believe that he and the child has a special relationship (Miller, 2012). Brown, Esbensen, and Geis (2015) mention instrumental crime is to gain a goal. The goal was to assist to helping underprivileged students, as well as to lure his next

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