Youth Crime Essay

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Throughout society, the emergence of technology as well as the dominant mass media influence creates a masked perception of youth. It is difficult to maintain an objective standpoint because of the persistent biases amongst society. While some youth in actuality do participate in criminal behaviors the prevalence becomes inflated because of the use of the media. As a result, the social construction of youth becomes tainted due to harsh headline eliciting fear into the general public. The news article titled “Hamilton Teen gangs: “ Little men playing big men games” elaborates on the killing of a fourteen year old male by the name of Jesse Clarke, taking place in August 2012 in the city of Hamilton. Jesse lived in an Eastern neighborhood where he was attacked by a group of young men, who approached the victim’s house “ Brandishing pipes and bats just before he was stabbed”(Carter, 2014). Throughout this paper I will elaborate on the negative construction of youth as a …show more content…

In society it is evident that individuals are consistently looking for vulnerable targets to blame, especially those who lack power in comparison to those in authoritative positions. It evidently becomes intractable for bystanders to remain neutral and open minded when understanding the truth behind the headlines. What contributes to the negative perception of crime is when journalists use these tragedies to their advantage, thus resulting in mis leading titles. In conclusion, the pessimistic perception of youth will continue to play a role in society unless readers critically evaluate the details behind the story. In order to shy away from generalizations about youth living in lower socioeconomic neighborhoods we must become critical of the mis representation and continue to evaluate social forces as a means that pushes young offenders into vulnerable

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