Horror Stories In Middle Schools Essay

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When speaking of horror, many negative and frightening thoughts, such as ghosts or zombies, come to mind. However, many people today enjoy reading horror stories for entertainment because they are exciting and thrilling. Recently, one controversial issue has been whether or not horror stories should be read by middle school students. Some say that horror stories will negatively affect students because they can cause nightmares and thus claim that horror stories should not be read by students. However, other evidence suggests that although horror stories may result in nightmares, they can students’ fears and encourage students to read more. Therefore, middle school students should be allowed to read horror stories. To begin, reading horror stories can be a beneficial experience for middle school students because it is unique compared to other genres. Many middle school students dislike reading because the stories do not appeal to them. However, horror stories generally create feelings of fright and terror, causing students to become thrilled and excited when reading these books. Thus, giving them the …show more content…

However, middle school students are mature enough to determine whether or not horror stories are frightening for them. In addition, allowing students to handle these decisions helps them become more independent. Independence is very important for middle school students to start practicing because after high school, many have to move out of their parent’s homes and start their own lives. If parents were to take the ability to make decisions away from students, then the students would not be prepared for their future and may not succeed. Therefore, parents should allow students to make their own decisions in order to prepare them for the future. Overall, students be allowed to read horror stories because it will help them become more

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