Analysis Of My Creature From The Black Lagoon By Stephen King

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Mark Twain once stated, “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus” (Brainy Quote). Despite the imaginative challenges children are faced with in reality, they are able to cope with the advantage of time and mental resilience. Stephen King in his essay, "My Creature from the Black Lagoon" from the Wake Tech English 111 Reader, compared the idea of imaginative strength in children and in that of adults to see who would better fit the horror genre audience. Stephen King recalls one particular time from his past that sends shivers down even the hardest of spines. King recalls the time he attended the rescreening of Richard Carlson’s My Creature from the Black Lagoon at the age of seven and what he recollects from the …show more content…

King chooses to compare the minds of a child and an adult to see the different resilience levels when exposed to the horror genre. He describes his findings as a paradox, “Children, who are physically quite weak, lift the weight of unbelief with ease” (PP 118). King assumes because the mind of an adult is mature it can handle the horrific depictions within the horror variety yet children seem too be able to withstand the pressure. King backed his theory by analyzing Walt Disney’s movies and their impact on a child’s imagination. Walt Disney’s movie Bambi is what Stephen King pinpointed when comparing the toll of horrific events in children and adult minds. King questioned adults about what was most terrifying about a movie when they were younger and they stated, “Bambi’s father shot by the hunter, or Bambi and his mother running before the forest fire” (PP 119). Another aspect King unveiled was the Doppler Effect and that, “A part of ‘growing up’ is the fact that everything has a scare potential for the child under eight” (PP 119). The cognitive imagination does not stop developing it just suppresses certain mental functions to draw a line between what is real and what is not. Horror novelist mask the tension with comedy yet with one swift motion it, “Knocks the adult props out from under us and tumbles us back down the slide into childhood” (PP …show more content…

I realized after analyzing this essay that even in the darkest depths of my mind I too am trapped in my own Black Lagoon. A Creature that haunts me from my childhood lingers in and out of my subconscious thought. As a child you never succumb to the thoughts of your biggest fear because it could change at any given moment. Your biggest fear as an adult stays with you and drains you mentally, physically, and emotionally. The Creature you adopt as an adult plays against your weak imagination and weighs you down into the depths of your ceaseless Black

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