Horace Quote Analysis

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Emotion, this is the driving force that influences the human mentality to push itself to further extents. A prime example of this is with the roman poet, Horace, states that “adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which is prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.” In this quote, Horace is explaining hardships bring out the best in people by creating a strong trait from within. I personally agree with Horace’s statement because without the challenges we face today; we would not become a better version of ourselves now. Nelson Natividad, Citrus Valley High School football player who battled chronic myeloid leukemia, fought for his life not only once but twice. He fought leukemia at the start of his sophomore year, continuing onto his junior. At one point, doctors pronounced that he no longer had cancer cells in his body until he realized Nelson will be fighting another battle he already strived through. Despite his struggle, …show more content…

Historical scientists, presidents, and celebrities had to be rejected in order for them to be successful by utilizing all negative connotations as their encouragement. For an example, Tina Fey became notorious for writing the famously known movie “Mean Girls” despite her autobiography “Bossypants” not fitting the standards to be on camera because she did not have the face for it. Her traumatic childhood when someone stabbed her face at age five left a permanent scar that transformed her face will be having people questioning her beauty. However, Tina did not allow the insults to affect her love for being on stage and started her career on “Saturday Night Live” with other celebrities to producing her own shows and movies. Everyone will come face to face with their insecurities from others, but instead of taking it offensively, instead they should see the optimistic side and appreciate

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