Homework Is Good For Kids

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The discussion that homework should or should not be given is a increasingly discussed topic. Homework is relevant for students because it benefits those who take the time to do it, it allows the students to have more time on their assignments without taking up important class time, and homework has changed over the years, allowing it to develop into something new for students.
Homework can have several benefits, but only for those who take the time to do it. The National School Board Association Center for Public Education conducted a study which concluded that “students who don't do their homework will not see any increase in their achievement in school,” so what about those who do their homework? Even though many studies fuel the anti-homework crowd, many other studies show that students who don't do their homework will see no improvements or benefits, but those who do are a lot more likely to experience those benefits. Government surveys have also concluded students on average only have about an hours worth of homework a day, but yet the campaign …show more content…

The article “ Why Homework is Good for Kids,” by Diane Ravitch, and published on March 22, 2007, states how it takes time to write and essay longer than a page and if not done after school,“it won't be at all.” Which is one reason suggested in the article why homework is still necessary for students. A recent news article that supports the anti-homework crusade, explains how a teacher allows her students only 15 minutes of class time to read their novel, Jane Eyre, and Ravitch comments that at that pace the class might not even finish the novel by the end of the year. Then Ravitch explains how the anti-homework crusade can take us to a time where students “won’t read books, write no essays, and won’t complete any research projects, other than what can be fit into a normal school

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