Holocaust Reflection Essay

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When you grow up you learn about the world and lose you faith in humanity this is how I lost my faith in humanity.I lost all of my faith on September 23, 2013 when i learned about the holocaust.The holocaust was when the worst of humanity was shown.The deeper i dug the more empathetic I felt for all of the victims of the holocaust.I was exposed to many messed up things I will share all the things i saw so if you are squeamish then stop reading. This is going to be the lightest part of the essay if you can’t handle the following content then stop reading. About one third of all of the jews in the world were murdered during the holocaust. When I first heard about this my heart dropped then I thought about how many gypsies they killed. The worst part of that fact was that over one million of them were children they were mostly killed in the gas chambers. I was shocked when I learned that the nazis killed one third of the jewish population but this just makes me sick. Hitler wanted to create a museum of jewish artifacts and call it the Museum of An Extinct Race when the war was over. If you are going to kill everybody that believes in a different religion dont make a museum of their artifacts that …show more content…

This is just sad and immoral that Hitlers regime killed over six million Jews. Whats worse is that there were only 9 million jews in Europe at that time.The Nazis didn’t just kill Jews they also killed Polish, Romanians, other gypsy, blacks, war prisoners, Soviet civilians I knew that the Nazis killed Gypsies but they also killed other germans that didn’t agree with them along with homosexuals. The nazis preformed anti-human experiments on children, babies and women/men. One of them involved sewing to twins together to create Siamese twins. I was absolutely disgusted by this I have never heard of anybody that has been this sick ever. That was baby food compared to what I am going to share with you

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