History Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan

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We the Republic of Uzbekistan are strongly opposed to religious oppression, and believe that every individual should have the right to choose and practice the religion of their choice. With this being said we believe that with the right measures, institutions and laws, religious tolerance and understanding could be achieved.
Our great nation of Uzbekistan is located in the heart of central Asia, between two large rivers of Amu Darya and Syr Darya. The land which we call our homeland is regarded as the motherland of civilisation, which is perhaps one of the most ancient in the world(Internet source: Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). The history of Uzbekistan is one of individuals and great nations, bloody conquests and large rebellions. It is a history of people who wholeheartedly loved their homeland (Internet source: Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).
When it comes to culture, Uzbekistan has one of the brightest and original cultures of the Orient. From our inimitable national music, dances and paintings to our unique national kitchen clothes (Internet source: Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). In regards to our great nation’s position concerning religion and freedom of conscience, The Republic of Uzbekistan being a member of the international community and bears full responsibility regarding the support of different faiths. The Article 18 of the constitution of Uzbekistan states that all citizens of our country have the same rights and freedoms, and are equal without distinction by gender, race, nationality, language, religion, orig...

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... expression in the Media and the internet to prevent clashes between individuals from different ethnic, racial and religious groups. We believe the system we have put into place in our country is effective in that it prevents religious clashes between our citizens, thus promoting respect and tolerance between the different religious communities living in our country.

Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland www.uzbekembassy.org/e/culture_religion (Accessed 16 March 2014)
Everybody Draw Mohammed Day www.en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everybody_Draw_Mohammed_Day (Accessed 16 March 2014)

Russification www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russification (Accessed 16 March 2014)

Uzbekistan- U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedoms Annual report 2013 (PDF) www.uscirf.gov (Accessed 16 March 2014)

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